SteamDisBot Privacy Policy


Welcome to SteamDisBot's Privacy Policy. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring transparency about how we handle information related to the use of SteamDisBot and ("the Service").

Data Collection and Use

We access public data through the SteamAPI in line with the Steam Subscriber Agreement and SteamAPI Terms and Steam API Terms of Use & SteamAPI Terms of Service. We collect information such as Steam IDs, avatars, Steam Levels, and ban statuses for caching purposes to enhance our service. This information is used to track user bans and display ban information on our platform, categorized as Community Bans or Bans. We do not collect any additional personal information from Steam users, ensuring that all data collection is covered under Steam's subscriber terms.

How Our Discord Bot Works

Our Discord bot enhances user experience by utilizing SteamIDs to fetch and return information via the Steam API. In addition to processing SteamIDs, our bot collects and stores essential Discord server data for operational purposes. This includes:

All collected Discord-related data is securely stored and strictly used for enhancing user experience and service efficiency. Upon the removal of our bot from a server, all associated Discord-specific data is deleted in compliance with privacy standards.

For information related to the handling and storage of Steam data, please refer to the Steam Subscriber Terms and the Steam API Terms of Service. We are committed to respecting both Discord and Steam's data policies and ensuring user privacy.

Non-Personal Information

We compile statistics and identify potential scammers without storing sensitive personal details, prioritizing user privacy and the integrity of our service and ensuring that all data collection is covered under Steam's subscriber terms.

Personal Information

Voluntarily provided information is used primarily for communication purposes. We ensure responsible use of such information, respecting the trust you place in us.

Your Rights and Data Management

Data Security

We take reasonable measures to protect the information collected through the SteamAPI from unauthorized access and disclosure, ensuring data security.

Cookies and Third-Party Sites

We may link to third-party sites and use third-party services for certain features; these entities have their own privacy policies, which we encourage you to review.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. We encourage users to review it regularly. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated policy on our platform. Continued use after changes signifies acceptance.


By using SteamDisBot, you consent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the Service.